Category Archives: Misinformation/Lies

My Name is Michael Kibbee and I’m a NOM Supporter and I Think “ingesting fecal excretions does not constitute marriage”

Yikes. This guy has totally lost his zen. Meet Michael Kibbee from Denver, Colorado. You’d think a guy sporting a profile pic of Buddha would be calm and collected. This guy speaks for himself — and National Organization for Marriage because they haven’t removed him or his posts from their page.


This guy apparently teaches online.

In addition, Michael Kibbee runs his own Facebook page (Destroying Homophobia Exposed) that is a real head-scratcher. He has posted a profile picture with bullet holes and blood. “Homophobia Exposed” is very similar to NOManiacs, committed to calling out anti-gay posts. Michael Kibbee is one mad individual. Unfortunately, many others are entertaining him, including Mariah Brown who constantly instigates anti-gay posts and hate speech on NOM’s Facebook page.


Coalition for Marriage (supported by a number of UK MP’s) allows homophobic & misogynistic hatred, death threats, bans any dissenting opinion

In January of this year, one of our UK writers published a blog post that highlighted a sizeable number of Members of Parliament (MPs) who had, according to the official website, pledged their support for the Coalition for Marriage (C4M) UK, which is basically an offshoot organisation which bases it’s principle on those of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). This post appeared to pass by largely unnoticed, especially as the attempt to contact the relevant MP’s via Twitter led to a temporary suspension of the account (basically because when you forward a link to a number of addresses, Twitter marks you as a spammer), and it kind of all paled in to insignificance.

Until recently, that is. Coalition for Marriage was brought to our attention again by one of our long-time followers who had been the target of some quite frankly disgusting comments and threats. Kate Lee, who is a born-again Christian, a Chaplain and a Street Pastor with a church not only tolerant but open and accepting to LGBT peoples and couples, screencapped the abuse over a period in January, and kindly granted us access to them all. This was in response to highly flammable religious rhetoric, in an attempt to reassure LGBT people that not all Christians think of them in such an inflammatory manner, as well as C4M’s stance on Thursday 21 March 2013, where they banned dissenters and fence-sitters, while allowing death threats, slurs and vile abuse to remain. This collection is far in excess of the screencaps the writers here had time or patience to collect, and for that, we heartily thank her.

The co-writer who first came across this notification on Facebook was also the one who had written the initial post on C4m, and is also the one writing this post. This time, I’m serious. about what I’m planning to do.

Below is a list of all the MP’s who subscribe their support, as of 28 March 2013, to C4M. They have all been notified, by email, the exact content C4M chooses to allow on their page. We are also categorically stating that all of the people listed below stand by the soon-to-follow comments in their roles as Members of Parliament for their respective constituencies, until we hear differently. We are also in the process of contacting relevant local and national press about their support of homophobic death threats. This will allow their LGBT constituents to pose their own questions to said MP’s in time. That list in full:

MP List 1

MP List 2

The above listed people support homophobic comments and death threats, as well as misogynistic slurs and abuse, as well as religious intolerance made by C4M and their supporters.

The following is a selection of abusive posts levelled at Kate and others, starting with death threats and expressing their wish that Kate and other would die. There’s more after.

Threat 1 Threat 2 Threat 3 Threat 4 Threat 5 Threat 6 Threat 7 Threat 8 Threat 9 Threat 10 Threat 11 Threat 12 Threat 13 Threat 14 Threat 15 Threat 16

Did you get the gist of these posts, MPs? This is what the followers of the organisation you have lent your names to want. They want to attack, beat up, torture and even murder gay people simply because you are being gay. I’m sure your LGBT constituents will be very proud of you for supporting such behaviour. You owe them answers. Especially considering the following homophobic slurs and insults against the LGBTQ community in general. remember, you actively support this.

Abuse 1 Abuse 2 Abuse 3 Abuse 4 Abuse 5 Abuse 6 Abuse 7 Abuse 8 Abuse 9 Abuse 10 Abuse 11 Abuse 12 Abuse 13 Abuse 14 Abuse 15 Homophobia 1

Attention MPs. THIS is the kind of standpoint, behaviour and comments you put your names to. You support the Coalition for Marriage. This is what thir supporters stand for. Simple guilt by association. If you do NOT support this kind of behaviour, these kinds of comments and this ind of abuse, then you have my e-mail address – I have already contacted that vat majority of you and have received auto-reply notifications, so do NOT claim you are not aware of this issue.

To finish, one of the more ardent posters, Nathan/Nate/Nat Durrant, learned of Kate’s status as a Chaplain and Street Pastor, and started a relentless campaign to have her sacked. Suffice to say, it failed. Here are his attempts:

Sacking 2

NOTE: Kate at no time graphically detailed ANY sexual activity, gay or otherwise. As you can see further up the page, this is the common practice of C4M and their supporters.

Sacking 1 Sacking 3 Sacking 4 Sacking 5 Sacking 6

Again, MP’s YOU support this kind of behaviour, tolerance, attitude and action towards the LGBT community, INCLUDING the ones in YOUR constituencies.

In this day and age, with the knowledge, understanding and advancements we as a society have made, it is utterly disgusting that attitudes and behaviours like this are allowed to exist. It is even more galling that people in positions of power, and in government, lend their names to such excoriating acts of depratvity. What’s worse is that Facebook, despite receiving numerous reports about this page, has not removed any of the above listed comments, despite their anti-hatred policy and Terms of Service being violated.

I urge ANYONE who is a constituent under ANY of the above listed MP’s to contact them with your concerns that they are happy for their names to be associated with such vile hatred. If you want to contact your local press with this story, you have not only my gracious leave to do so, but also my unabounded encouragement to. This post will be promulgated as far and wide as is possible, both on Facebook and elsewhere in a concerted effort to say that we, the LGBT community, will not tolerate elected officials who agree with this kind of attitude.

Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for sharing.

Brightest Blessings x

Dear NOM…

Dear NOM, you asked the following question,

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Let me provide you with the very simple answer. Since your hate group has been in existence, your supporters have called us, suggested to us and threatened us with the following. Sadly, this is only a small percentage of  the abuse we have suffered at the hands of so-called ‘loving’ Christian NOM fans. You will find a lot of it catalogued in the form of over 1,000 screencaps here on this blog. Again, this is not a comprehensive list.

To run us over; homos; losers; queer; homosex; abomination; child molestors; morally bankrupt; perverted; disease spreaders; diseased; criminals against nature; bullies; far from sanity; we end society; Reprobates; evil; controlled by demons; homos; perversions; same as paedophiles, murders and rapists; agents of Satan; to be choked to death; Stupid Dyke; idiots; sheep-shaggers; threats to bring a war; faeces-eaters; obsession over male gay sex; unnatural; we should be castrated; that we will face a vicious end; our condemnation awaits us; to stop being gay; Satanic; we will never be equal; fags; fairys; a condemnation; having a mental disorder; the homosexual lifestyle…

That we should never be parents; abnormal; disgusting; having had hundreds/thousands of partners; perverts; shameful; sick; communists; gays can’t be happy; we are all dying of AIDS; undeserving of equal treatment; that we all have sex in public; mentally ill; sociopaths; threat to National Security; degeneracy; to be put on trial; to be hung in the public square; to be hung without trial; we will die of hate/AIDS/loneliness; another 9-11 is needed because of gays; all gays should be burned…

Hoping gay people don’t wake up; we need mental/hormonal treatment; AIDS-causers; sodomites; dummass fags; sexually explicit offers to turn lesbians straight; gays caused 9-11; twisted queers; calls for ‘fagbashing’; repugnant; all child molestors are gay; we have a sickness; scum; perv; a desire for ‘fags to thrash’; claims to be a ‘serial fag-basher;’ a mockery; sick and unjust; ‘execute them all’; not deserving of civil rights; gay sex is rape;gay people shouldn’t touch food/shake hands; filthy; freak shows; retarded; a cry for attention; not raised properly; sinful; fudge-packers; wild animals; disgusting and wrong; being told to get AIDS; stalking preteens; promiscuous HIV-spreaders; faggots; queer hypocrites; trash; to live a life of chastity…

The above comments were taken from just FOUR of the twenty-four months worth of blog posts from here on NOManiacs, from our inception in April 2011 to the end of July 2011. And I never included anything on Brian Brown’s bestest convict buddy Jahnmaud Lane, whose hobbies included shooting people with AK-47’s, making graphic sexual suggestions to 15 year old British girls and stealing pictures of infants to label their fathers as gay paedophiles. Lovely people you surround yourself with, Brian. Especially as a lot of the above comments were made by people on your friends list on Facebook.

Simple tip, NOM;

Clean your own fucking house before you cry victim and criticise ours.

Lesson fucking over.

NOM’s mass banishment appears to be working. Well, mostly.

Now, after the excoriating bollocking that NOM’s Communications Director, Thomas Peters, likely received, whether after his abjectly poor, rude and ineffective display against UK gay rights advocate Peter Tatchell, his woeful attempt to recruit pro-life supporter Kathy Ireland that ended in him being told to ‘stop the hate’, or the feature here on NOManiacs about his inability to stop rampant anti-gay hate on the NOM Facebook page and blog that has helped lead to their rightful classification as a hate group, you’d have thought that he might have kept a closer eye on matters to avoid such a scenario happening again and actually do the job NOM pay him for, and his incompetency being exposed on a blog that has had 12,000 hits in the last 2 1/2 months…

Well, think again. Slowly but surely the ‘pro-traditional-marriage’ supporters, as they call themselves, came crawling back to the NOM Facebook page. NOM, perhaps reminded again by this blog about their inability to talk about anything but ‘the gays’, decided to dedicate their latest post about National Marriage Week to strengthening marriages, reducing divorce, promoting marriage before childbirth etc. Not a mention of the LGBT community, for once in about 500 posts. The only misnomer they published was on the NOMblog, where they falsely stated children do better when raised by mother and father – frequent studies have shown this to be false as they do equally as wel with LGBT couples. Other than that, not a mention. See below;

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Their followers, on the other hand, had different ideas. Like Pacer Metzenberg, John Colbert and Jeffrey Bonderman, who attacked the LGBT community, posted links to notoriously anti-gay organisations and made personal attacks respectively. Screencaps below;

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They weren’t the only ones, however.  The language and tone got worse. While the most insulting was from an obviously fake profile, the fact remains that NOM remains, and will always remain, a magnet for homophobes, bigots and hatemongers. See for yourselves;

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Mr. Peters, you are fighting a losing battle. If you truly don’t want NOM to be classed as a hate group, you would have to start by banning all those making anti-gay statements on your pages. Which would presumably remove half your supporters. Then there is the innumerable links your group posts attacking gay people. And that’s before we look at the lies and misinformation you routinely post. That said, it’s people like Leslie here who make your job difficult to the point of incompetency. I’d advise looking for another post very soon;

NOManiacs 130213fNothing like espousing pretty much every lie NOM has ever fed to its followers over the course of its lifetime.

NOM has, and always will be, a hate group, regardless of how many people they ban, because they have spent years feeding the lies that now infest their page. This classification is their own doing. They created this monster, and now they cannot control it.


We have no sympathies.

Thank you for reading and following x

Brigtest Blessings x

NOM cries victim, claims it is not a hate group, nor anti gay…

Yes, they are actually turning their wave of anti gay hatred into a cry of martyrdom. Expect a furious diatribe from me very, very soon. See below;

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NOM appears to be under the impression that their oft-lying, homophobic, right-wing-Chrisitan, anti-gay organisation is suddenly a victim, even though nothing actually happened to them. Only yesterday we saw them resort to making up ‘facts’ about the UK gay marriage vote. Now they’re plumbing the depths of fear in order to garner donations. If you read the end of the previous post, you will see I mentioned exactly this tactic. This is how they put it across.

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Right, I underlined several points in this self-effacing, self-martyring heap of horseshit to highlight exactly why he and his organisation are listed as a hate group for very good reasons.

1 – Putting the word marriage in speech marks, as if it has no actual standing. News for you Brian, you complete fucking ignoramus, it DOES have standing. In that little thing called the law with which you seem to have so much trouble differentiating from the ‘facts’ in your Bible. This tactic reeks of demeaning and degrading the officially recognised loving union of two people who, and why don’t you just try being honest for once, make you feel icky? Nothing more, Brian, nothing less.

2 – The reason you are labelled ”hate groups” is not only what I just highlighted, but also because you allow your followers and supporters to use all manner of foul, abusive, vulgar, sexually graphic, insulting, hateful comments on your facebook page and NOMblog page without fear of them being removed, yet when someone complains, or even voices a  dissenting opinion. you instantly ban them. If you look at the posts and screencaps – of which there are well over a thousand – featured on this blog you will see exactly what I mean.

3 – See point 1 and 2. Your words have consequences. Usually those consequences are for your followers to publicly demean, castigate, demonise and outright hate on gay people. Even something so small as  putting the word marriage in speech marks can have a knock-on effect. If you look at the comments featured immediately after this blog post, you will see what I mean;

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Look me in the eyes and tell me you and your supporters are not a homophobic hate group, Brian. I fucking defy you to. Come to the UK, look me square in the face and tell me you and your followers do not hate gays.

4 – Scroll back up if you need reference points. Is ‘reportedly admitted’ the same as ‘we don’t know, but we need to make ourselves look like the victim so let’s make some shit up’ – cite your sources or we’ll simply think you’re lying – you have previous form for this, let us remind you.

5 – Irresponsible? What the actual fuck? You claim your organisation is not anti-gay, yet you spend your life, and your six-figure salary, actively trying to oppose legal equality of the people you claim not to be against, you cataclysmic hypocrite. Your Facebook page and blog consist of about 95 percent gay-focused material and literature. We’ve highlighted in the past your reluctance to talk about anything other than gays, and you responded by posting about divorce. Once. Then went back to talk about the gays. Allowing the litany of hatred on your pages is irresponsible, Brian, given how many violent homophobic incidents we continually hear of.

5b – You don’t want to be labelled as a hate group? Then might I suggest you order your director of communications, who painted himself as a massive bellend by continually trying to talk over gay rights activist Peter Tatchell on a recent interview, to actually do what the hell you pay him to do and start removing the pandemic anti-gay hatred that features on your facebook page. If you want any examples, look at pretty much any blog post here – there are about 1,200 or so to choose from, and about 400-450 different people featured.


In summation, Brian, you are scared, and a coward. You have been picking on gays for years upon years, and your religion has been doing it for centuries. Now, finally, when someone hits back – and no, I do NOT condone Mr. Corkins’s actions – you suddenly cry victim and martyr yourself. Perhaps if you hadn’t been so public with your constant harassment, abuse, denigration and demonising of a section of society, perhaps they might not be so aggravated as to actually take things this far? Instead of trying to create further rictions, we would highly suggest you actually try heal the rifts you have caused and work with us.

Note – I have emailed both of the public relations officials cited in the NOMblog post asking for a direct comment from Brian Brown about the content listed not only in this blog but also in all of the other ones featured, as well as the constant stream of hate-rhetoric on his blog and Facebook page. I will let you know their response in due course.


Thanks for reading.

Brightest Blessings.

If I were a NOM contributor, I’d want a refund for being lied to so often…

Now, we all know that NOM is not afraid to lie, cheat, manipulate, distort and twist things in order to not only bolster their extremely shaky and fragile egos, but also in order to keep their sheeple in the blissfully ignorant state of feeling like they’re winning.

You might also know that we here in the UK yesterday – Feb 05 2013 – put a gay marriage bill through the House of Commons, where MP’s had a free vote on it – a free vote basically means that the party whips do not instruct the MP’s how to vote, which is usually done when one party wants to trounce another’s legislation. Bear that in mind. They voted at 1900GMT. The results were in by about 2000GMT. If you’d read NOM’s blog post about this vote, you might have thought the bill had been shot down in flames;

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Unfortunately, NOM once again fell into that bear-trap of not actually reading into the context of the headlines, the story, or any other media that decided to cover the event. Want to know what really happened? Here you go.

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Yes, the bill PASSED with a near 70-30 split in FAVOUR of the new legislation. Hardly a disaster, methinks…

This ‘disaster’ that NOM are mentioning appears to be one for SSM in the UK – many of the first commenters on this Facebook post certainly seemed to think so – until quite a spectacular number of pro-SSM advocates, rightly overjoyed with this step in the right direction that the UK is taking, took to the boards to highlight exactly what your erstwhile author has just done here. The ‘disaster’ that the headlines were in response to the fact that half of the Tory MP’s voted against the measures, which if anything displays the level of rebellion that Cameron faces. Just remember, though, this also meant that half voted FOR it. And many from opposing parties also voted for it. Which means that this had support from across the UK and the political spectrum.

That said, the legislation will only affect England and Wales. With Scottish devolution, this matter was not one for their Parliament and will have to be brought up in a separate bill in due course.

The fact still remains that NOM will plumb any depths to scrape even a morsel of credibility for their hackneyed, contrived, disillusioned and pathetic attempt to legitimise homophobia and beg for donations. You’d have to be a pretty die-hard, dyed-in-the-wool hardcore NOM fan to not see that NOM is misleading you. Why you’d give money to people who lie to you is beyond me, but that said, most of you attend Church, so to be honest it should not be that much of a surprise.

Thank you to the 400 MP’s who voted this in. For the 175 who didn’t, history will remember you. Though not for good reasons. For the 25-30 who abstained, you missed your chance.

Thank you for reading.

Brightest Blessings x

P.S – If anyone wants to see who voted for and against the gay marriage Bill, follow this link to the BBC website

Look who decided to crawl out from under his rock…

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while and are familiar with the more vocal of the anti-gay Bible-wavers will already know the name Jahnmaud Lane. Those of you not familiar are advised to read our expose about the hypocritical, homophobic and hateful ex-convict. Of late he has been fairly quiet, only resurfacing for a NOM photo opportunity in North Carolina on the passing of Amendment One.

Until recently.

Now we are all read up on Lane’s past and his proclivities – namely slandering gay people and equating them to paedophiles – we can see his latest, somewhat-unhinged postings. This was the starter;

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I don’t think Lane voted Democrat in the last election. His open hate for the President continued further, as we shall see later. In the meantime, a bit more open homophobia from the self-confessed one-time same-sex-attracted Lane, and a gem from Wayne Nolley, who we will be covering very soon regarding him sending pro-SSM individuals sexually explicit personal messages.

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Again with the sex, Wayne. You think of gay sex more than gay men do. It’s an obsession. The same is true for most of the anti-SSM crowd. It’s a personal matter. As in, none of your fucking business, pardon the pun.

Now, here is where Lane goes off on a tangent. As we saw, he likes to use the Bible to justify certain things, while ignoring the vast majority of the rest of it. No big surprise there. He also, we can presume, is not a Democrat, nor is he a supporter of the incumbent President. As we can see in the next few images, he combines both of these things into a quite worrying statement;

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Yes. Lane is actually advocating for the death of the President. Now I’m no legal eagle, but I’m pretty sure certain Federal agencies take an interest in comments like these. Given Lane’s violent past, one has to wonder what is going on in his mind.

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Lane at his typical best here. One of his frequent utterances is ‘homosexuality is evil, and the subculture is pedophilia’. Never mind that there is no link whatsoever and there is not one iota of truth in it, he still pushes it as fact.

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As does Aaron. To answer your question in a succinct and very brusque manner, paedophilia and drugs are illegal for very good reasons. Being homosexual is not, you gigantic assclown. It is idiotic views like your own that foster a negative attitude towards the LGBT community. At the extreme end it purports violence against them. And that is why people like us exist, to counter your lies and show your hatred for what it really is. Hatred.

Back to Lane and his desire to see the President dead. Here is his justification for it;

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The Bible. Big fucking surprise there. He basically just wished another human dead. Presumably in the same way he wished the man he shot had died. Luckily he didn’t. If you ever wanted to look evil in the eye, here it is.

Lane only made one more post after this, to ask someone if they would allow the age of consent to be lowered – he used the word ‘consenting’ approximately eight times in a seven-line post. After this we can only presume he either got bored and started looking for some gay porn, or realised he was defeated and quietly sidled away so as not to be noticed.

Just remember, Lane, we know who you are, and what you are, and we will always be watching.

Note – Brian  Brown has refused not only to acknowledge the anti-gay hate speech that goes on on his organisation’s Facebook page, but has also refused to acknowledge his association with Mr. Lane. Brian, associating with people like this is a sure way to see your aims and plans nosedive spectacularly…


Thanks for reading x


Brightest Blessings.

List of UK MP’s who actively support organisation with homophobic views and supporters.

Recently NOM linked to a report on a leaflet campaign going on right here in the UK by a group called Coalition for Marriage – CfM. They reported how CfM were targeting the populace of UK constituencies whose Members for Parliament – MP’s – were considered a ‘swing’ vote in the upcoming bill to run through the House of Commons regarding equal marriage treatment for homosexual couples. Their plan was to distribute a million leaflets urging people to contact their MP’s and tell them not to vote for legal equality.

The UK already has ‘civil unions’, which, while affording more rights to gay couples, is still not entirely equal. Speaking as someone who already has one and has a lawyer for a partner, let me tell you we are NOT, repeat, NOT on an equal legal footing whatsoever. Hence why the bill is going through. Now, support for equal rights marriage in the UK has generally been positive, due to a combination of lower rates of religious following, openly gay public figures and celebrities, and, in general, a culture more open of acceptance and tolerance.

This little featurette by NOM intrigued this admin, and I began digging a little into CfM. Their website, found in this link, basically argues all the same points as NOM – man and woman, redefining – as if that hasn’t already been done before, religion, blah blah blah. Nothing indicating that marriage is actually a legal concept and has nothing whatsoever to do with religion other than having a ceremony commemorating this fact.

It also has a long list of signatories, including many former and current serving MP’s. They have assigned their name and position to this group. Which means they ascribe to CfM’S ideals. As do the people who post on the Facebook wall. Who post some quite homophobic messages.

Which is why we are today posting the list of supporters, tagging them, and associating their names with the kind of hate speech they seemingly support. In supporting Coalition for Marriage, they also support the views of the organisation and their supporters. Here they are;

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List 1 of 2

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List 2 of 2

All of these people have publicly associated their names with the kind of homophobic hate-speech as listed below.

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The old insult of ‘perverts’ surfacing again.

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Once again we see the anti-gay side focusing on something that not only doesn’t exist, but also is none of their business, but also hyperbolic to the extreme. Plus an insult thrown in for good measure.

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No, there isn’t. And why again with all the focus on the sex livesIt’s not only an obsession, it’s quite disturbing.

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So, basically, be gay but be quiet about it. Sorry, we locked the closet door after we came out and threw away the key.

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The Regenerus study in question has been refuted and disproved for countless faults and failures in the study sample. Countless studies since and recently have proved that children growing up with same sex parents are no less worse off than those with opposite sex parents.

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Again, see above point. Also try acting like you care about single-parent families. If ‘mother and father’ are that important, after all.

NOManiacs 200113i


Greyed out due to it being reported. We are not ‘anti-Christian’. We are anti-you-telling-us-what-to-do-based-on-your-own-personal-beliefs. There are many studies that show that it is a largely biological reason that decides on sexual orientation, so it is not an excuse. Even if it were a choice, why should that make a differenceYou chose a different religion than others. Why should you be afforded any ‘acceptance’ for your choice?

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Another horrible attempt to compare and equate homosexuality with paedophilia. Nothing more to say. Remember, MP’s, you condone these comments.

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More simple insults against the LGBT community. Al taken from the public page that these MP’s support.

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Again, a slippery-slope, straw-man argument that claims allowing gays to be married will allow paedophiles to marry children. Despite the fact that there is a legal age of adulthood that does not allow anyone under a certain age to sign a contract, due to intelligent and emotional development.

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This basically speaks for itself. Both Davids basically show their disdain for gay couples.


MP’s listed here. I hereby give yourself a chance to distance yourself from an organisation like this that not only allows oft-refuted anti-gay hate speech to remain on it’s boards for over a week, but has also seen fit to associate your names with it. Whatever your personal religious feelings, public association with hateful comments like this will only cause discord amongst your LGBT constituents, whom you are duty bound to represent in terms of the law, not religion. We await your reply.


Thanks for reading x

Maggie and Brian continue to lie to their followers. Said followers lap it up.

Only yesterday this blog highlighted how NOM was trying to give the impression that more people attended the Paris anti-gay-marriage rally than there actually were. Not that this rally has had any effect whatsoever on President Hollande’s plans to enact these laws. And not that that fact seems to have permeated the Neanderthalithic skulls of those who lead NOM, nor their dedicated, money-frittering rabble.

You might have thought they would have left it there with all the media reports highlighting the approximate level of attendance, which was monitored by the French police forces, who would have been woefully inept if two times as many people had turned up than had been planned for, especially given the nature of the protest and the possibility of it turning nasty. So what do NOM now claim in a new Youtube video*

Over a MILLION people turned up to demonstrate. Yes, you heard them!! A MILLION!! The picture below was taken at 0640GMT;

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Now, we made light of the fact that NOM appears to be flagrantly lying to it’s followers only yesterday. It’s allowed to do that. If said followers are stupid enough to believe these lies, and even stupider enough to send them money for being lied to, then that is their prerogative. We, on the other hand, find milking money out of gullible, poorer people who you have scared into submission using lies, empty rhetoric, religion and outright panic-mongering to be a somewhat disdainful practice, and aim to expose it. If anyone wishes to comment on this video, you can find the link here. I strongly recommend you let them know of their deceptions, and that we are aware to them. Here is a list of how different news agencies reported the approximate numbers;

BBC – 340,000

NBC – ‘Several hundred thousand’

Reuters UK – ‘Several hundred thousand’

ABC – 340,000

The Guardian, UK – 340,000 – Please note that any time The Guardian published any piece that might indicate the UK doesn’t want marriage equality – studies show it does – NOM have been first to splash the piece all over their FB page and blog, complete with skewed reporting of what the newspaper actually published. They have so far not referenced this figure.

Even Al Jazeera estimated the figure at approximately 340,000, and given their strong Muslim backing, and target audience, the opportunity was ripe for them to exploit the numbers to show how bad homosexuality was. Did theyDid they heck as like!

What this admin also finds very interesting is NOM’s mission statement, where they allege in relation to ‘traditional marriage’, to ‘protect the faith communities that sustain it.’ NOM does not seem to realise that approximately 40-50 percent of those attending the homophobia rally were in fact Muslims. NOM and their followers – and their former employees, in the case of Louis Marinelli – have in the past, and even recently, given Marinelli’s conspiracy-obsessed anti-Obama rants during the election, given Muslims in general a very short shrift. NOM will happily protect a faith community, so long as it’s one of its own faith communities.


NOM are obviously in desperate times if they need to embellish three times over the number of people they think support their cause in a country thousands of miles away, with a population less than a third that of the States’. We here at NOManiacs can see it for what it really is – blustering and exaggerating to make one seem bigger and better than they actually are, because deep down, NOM know they don’t have the support, nor can they stand up to the challenge they face. We’ve seen it all before. The only problem is, as we have all seen before, is that the lie will eventually catch up with them.

Thanks for reading x

NOM display either poor historical knowledge, or they know they are beaten

NOM recently posted the below image and comments regarding the recent anti-gay rally in Paris, and commented that the predicted numbers couldn’t possibly have been correct, because it looked like the same number of people. Have a look for yourself. Pay due care and attention to the dates;

NOManiacs 170113a


Now, anyone who knows a little about European history, and the history of France in general, will know that 14th July 1789 is the French national holiday, when troops stormed the notorious Parisien prison. Each year, on 14th July, France basically has a mahoosive party to celebrate this, as it heralded the return of the French monarchy. There are countless parades, musical performances, dances, fireworks, the whole enchilada. 700,000 people pictured there in 2009 is likely an underestimation. What happens on Bastille Day can be found in this link or via a quick Google search. Just remember these figures came from Police estimations, and Les Gendarmes aren’t known for mucking around or lying.

Consider when the anti-gay rally took place. January 2013, when temperatures in Paris were close to 0 degrees, which is 32F if you prefer that. No wonder not as many people turned out. Though this isn’t very apparent to Maggie, Brian and the rest of the six-figure-salaried hatemongers at NOM. They must have thought it a 220-year-old conspiracy designed to alter perceptions of attitudes towards gay people, because surely MILLIONS must have turned out to show how icky France thinks the gays are. One comment on the post actually said they thought there were more in the January picture than July. This is what happens when you drink whiskey for breakfast, children.

Something Brian and Maggie didn’t deign to mention either. French press are reporting that approximately 40-50 percent of those attending the rally were actually Muslims, who have come in for pretty short shrift on the NOM page. So far NOM haven’t acknowledged this fact. Considering they want to protect marriage based on Christian, not Muslim principles, something like this should not have passed them by.

Because simply put, it didn’t. I’m not sure whether they are genuinely that stupid that they didn’t realise such simple concepts as the ones mentioned above, or they did, but still fed these lies and supposed conspiracies to their followers. If it is the latter, then they are showing their true colours, in that they will lie, cheat, steal and deceive in order to keep receiving the obscene amounts of money they award themselves. And these from people who supposedly believe that Greed is a Deadly Sin.

We’re on to you, Brian. We’re on to you, Maggie. And we will continue to expose the truth. Or your stupidity. Whichever it may be…