Tag Archives: Timothy Lee Gollwitzer

NOM addresses “trolls” on its Facebook page; conveniently ignores hate speech posts

Finally. For the first in over 4 years, National Organization for Marriage decided to finally address their Facebook page. We’ve seen some pretty nasty comments on there — after all, an organization is made possible by their supporters. However, today, NOM posted a “PSA” for their supporters — “ignore the trolls, report them, etc.” Silly.


What NOM does not address
• NOM’s supporters who post hate speech (even those who do it very frequently) are never banned
• Those who post views or engage in a debate with a dissenting/pro-gay marriage view have been banned
• Those who point out the hate speech posted by NOM supporters have been banned
• NOM’s supporters create duplicate profiles or go under fake names
• NOM is falling and can’t get up — so finally after 4 years, they have time to address their Facebook page

Let’s point out some examples. These individuals featured below have not been banned by NOM. Many post on a daily basis to NOM’s Facebook page. Why aren’t these individuals banned?


This flyer was circulated at the March for Marriage last year. It highlighted NOM’s most anti-gay supporters (most posts weren’t even about marriage). It was also sent to the Lee Boys, the band that NOM had selected to perform at the March for Marriage. The Lee Boys promptly cancelled on NOM.

So, NOM, you really want to address your Facebook page? Maybe it begins with your supporters, not the “trolls.” A “troll” to NOM is anyone who disagrees and posts their viewpoint to the Facebook page, even when they post in a civil manner.

Weeks after marriage equality bill passes in NY, NOM and its supporters still sore.

There’s no doubt we’ve seen the ugliest tactics used by National Organization for Marriage weeks leading up to, during and after the passing of the marriage equality bill in New York. National Organization for Marriage has vowed to ruin the 4 Republicans who voted in favor of marriage equality. NOM and its supporters have even indicated that it will look into protesting these marriages. This Westboro Church-like behavior is appalling, but not surprising. Weeks have passed and the comments posted by NOM supporters have been especially hateful. Here’s Urban Dictionary’s definition of NOM:

“Sore Loser: Someone who can’t simply be honorable, by accepting defeat and/or trying again [not an option for NOM]. On the contrary, said individual or group engages in childish pissing and moaning; bitching about how it’s not fair and the other side cheated, etc.”

Since the win, NOM supporters have been urging NOM and even contacting Maggie Gallagher directly to ban all marriage equality supporters from the NOM Facebook page.

NOM supporters also like to get graphic in their posts:

According to these NOM supporters, not only are gay people unfit to teach/raise children, they are also not allowed to serve your food:

Marriage Equality for New York!!!! NOM Now Threatens Pro-Equality Politicians, Supporters Ask for Another 9-11 and Gays to be Burned.

Marriage Equality for New York passed 33-29. What an amazing victory. National Organization for Marriage sure was mad. So much in fact, it vowed a whopping $2 million dollars to unseat the Republicans who voted for marriage equality. Sore losers.

Here’s what they ran on their facebook page.

NOM even used a picture of Jesus!

There is a brilliant blog dedicated to exposing NOM that goes into greater detail of this subject: Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

The homophobic comments that followed after New York Marriage Equality passed were too much to keep up with. Here’s a posting of some. One really stands out.

One NOM supporter even asked for another 9-11 to prove his point.